Posted on July 21, 2020
Big City Life
A month has passed since our last post, but also a lot has happened and today we want to share with you one of the interesting additions that found their way into the game.
This time we designed a city-area, so Bob can have many exciting downtown adventures. As in earlier areas, this city’s layout is built by procedural generation, so it will change every time you visit it. That wasn’t enough variation for us, though. We want you to have a fresh experience each time you enter this area, so we went generator-ception:
Many of the houses in this city have an open door, so you can enter them. Whenever you enter one of the houses, a second generator will build a random interior layout for it.
The generator uses single-room templates, that are automatically scanned for connection points, and tries to put them next to each other in different combinations, so the connector of one room matches the connector of the next one. This proved to work very well given enough room templates and some tweaking of limitation rules for the generator, e.g. a minimum amount of rooms that need to be placed for the layout to be considered valid.
At this time we are content with the way the indoor layouts look, but in the future we might add many more templates for the generator to work with. Even now there are numerous possibilities for layouts, but every new template provides new interesting combinations. To make it worthwhile for you to enter these buildings, we plan to add breakable objects which might contain goodies and maybe even some more unique things to find.
See you downtown!
Posted on June 9, 2020
The newest HUDdition
Today we are happy to present to you the first version of a HUD for the game! We wanted to give that display the attention it deserved for quite some time now, and so far we are happy with the results. We decided that this was the next step because for our next milestone we want to introduce a brand new item system to the game. In order to make it easy for the player to manage these items, a well made interface is key! Here is the version of the HUD, we settled on for now:
The most important thing for us was making the most vital information as easily accessible for the player as possible. Our goal was to make it so the player can read their hit-points, wealth, and currently equipped drums at a glance.
For the drums we first tried to create small icons, that actually show some kind of drum, but we soon found out that with only a 6×6 canvas it is very difficult to draw a drum in a nice and readable way. So instead we went for something a little different. The icon now shows the attack-shape of the respective drum. We think that this will make the information about what kind of attack the player can expect from this item much more accessible. To understand that a little better, let’s have a look at the basic attack shapes:
As you can see, the icon is basically a one-to-one representation of the attack’s shape, making it crystal clear what to expect when picking up the item.
As of now, these basic attacks are the only ones in the game, but in the future we hope to regularly add new and interesting attack-shapes. Also this is only the first step for the item system we ultimately want to have in the game, but that is probably a story for another time.
To conclude this post, we want you to know, that we plan on creating this kind of posts on a regular basis, but as this is only our second post, we cannot really say for sure how often this will happen. For now we will most likely try to post once or twice a month. Feel free to let us know what you think by leaving a comment, and check in from time to time so you can stay up to date with the progress of the development. We hope that you enjoyed the read and that we can welcome you to our blog again!
Posted on June 3, 2020
The Dreaded First Post
Hi there! We’re two students ruining our university grades trying to make an awesome game! We’ll try to update this site as often as possible to share our progress and insights with you, while trying to complete our vision of what the game should be like.
Stay tuned, we’ve got a lot of content coming in the near future! 🙂